One-variable real-valued function fitting with TensorFlow

This post is part of a series of posts on the fitting of mathematical objects (functions, curves and surfaces) through a MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) neural network; for an introduction on the subject please see the post Fitting with highly configurable multi layer perceptrons.

The topic of this post is the fitting of a continuous and limited real-valued function defined in a closed interval of the reals $$f(x) \colon [a,b] \to \rm I\!R$$ with a MLP so that the user can test different combinations of MLP architectures, their own activation functions, training algorithm and loss function without writing code but working only on the command line of the six Python scripts which implement the following features:

  • Dataset generation
  • MLP architecture definition + Training
  • Prediction
  • Visualization of the result
  • Diagnostics
The related code requires the version 3 of Python and it uses TensorFlow 2 technology (for both CPU or GPU) with Keras (that is integrated inside TensorFlow 2); it requires also NumPy, MatPlotLib and ImageIO libraries.
To get the code please see the paragraph Download of the complete code at the end of this post.

The exact same mechanism was created using PyTorch technology; see the post One-variable real-valued function fitting with PyTorch always published on this website. If you are interested in regression of a real function of a variable with machine learning techniques see the posts Fitting functions with a configurable XGBoost regressor, Polynomial regression with Accord.NET and SMO regression for SVM with PUK kernel in Weka.

Dataset generation

Goal of the Python program is to generate datasets (both training and test ones) to be used in later phases; it takes in command line the function to be approximated (in lambda body syntax), the interval of independent variable (begin, end and discretization step) and it generates the dataset in an output csv file applying the function to the passed interval.
In fact the output csv file has two columns (with header): first column contains the sorted values of independent variable $x$ within the passed interval discretized by discretization step; second column contains the values of dependent variable, ie the values of function $f(x)$ correspondent to values of $x$ of first column.

To get the program usage you can run this following command:

$ python --help
and the output got is:

usage: [-h] 
-h, --help                  show this help message and exit
--dsout DS_OUTPUT_FILENAME  dataset output file (csv format)
--fx FUNC_X_BODY            f(x) body (body lamba format)
--rbegin RANGE_BEGIN        begin range (default:-5.0)
--rend RANGE_END            end range (default:+5.0)
--rstep RANGE_STEP          step range (default: 0.01)
Please read the file for a complete detail of the semantics of the parameters supported on the command line.

An example of using the program

Suppose you want to approximate the function $$f(x)=\frac{\sin 2x}{e^\frac{x}{5}}$$ in the range $[-20.0,20.0]$. Keeping in mind that np is the alias of NumPy library, the translation of this function in lambda body Python syntax is:

np.sin(2 * x) / np.exp(x / 5)
To generate the training dataset, run the following command:

$ python \
  --dsout mytrain.csv \
  --fx "np.sin(2 * x) / np.exp(x / 5)" \
  --rbegin -20.0 \
  --rend 20.0 \
  --rstep 0.01
instead to generate the test dataset, run the following command:

$ python \
  --dsout mytest.csv \
  --fx "np.sin(2 * x) / np.exp(x / 5)" \
  --rbegin -20.0 \
  --rend 20.0 \
  --rstep 0.0475
Note that the discretization step of the test dataset is larger than that of training and it is a normal fact because the training, to be accurate, it must be run on more data. Also note that it is appropriate for the discretization step of the test dataset is not a multiple of the training one in order to ensure that the test dataset contains most of the data that is not present in training dataset, and this makes prediction more interesting.

MLP architecture definition + Training

Goal of the Python program is to dynamically create a MLP and perform its training according to the passed parameters through the command line. To get the program usage you can run this following command:

$ python --help
and the output got is:

usage: [-h]
--modelout MODEL_PATH
[--bestmodelmonitor BEST_MODEL_MONITOR]
[--epochs EPOCHS]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--optimizer OPTIMIZER]
[--loss LOSS]
[--metrics METRICS [METRICS ...]]
[--dumpout DUMPOUT_PATH]
[--logsout LOGSOUT_PATH]
[--modelsnapout MODEL_SNAPSHOTS_PATH]
[--modelsnapfreq MODEL_SNAPSHOTS_FREQ]
Please read the file for a complete detail of the semantics of the parameters supported on the command line.

An example of using the program

Suppose you have a training dataset available (for example generated through program as shown in the previous paragraph) and you want the MLP to have three hidden layers with respectively with 200, 300 and 200 neurons and that you want to use the sigmoid activation function output from all three layers; moreover you want to perform 1000 training epochs with a 200 items batch size using the Adamax optimizator algorithm with learning rate equal to 0.02 and loss function equal to MeanSquaredError. To put all this into action, run the following command:

$ python \
  --trainds mytrain.csv \
  --modelout mymodel \
  --hlayers 200 300 200 \
  --hactivation sigmoid sigmoid sigmoid \
  --epochs 1000 \
  --batch_size 200 \
  --optimizer 'Adamax(learning_rate=0.02)' \
  --loss 'MeanSquaredError()'
at the end of which the folder mymodel will contain the MLP model trained on mytrain.csv dataset according to the parameters passed on the command line.


Goal of the Python program is to apply the MLP model generated through to an input dataset (for example the test dataset generated through program as shown in a previous paragraph); the execution of the program produces in output a csv file with two columns (with header): the first column contains the values of indepedent variable $x$ taken from test dataset and the second column contains the predicted values of dependent variable, ie the values of the prediction correspondent to values of $x$ of first column.
To get the program usage you can run this following command:

$ python --help
and the output got is:

usage: [-h]
--model MODEL_PATH
Please read the file for a complete detail of the semantics of the parameters supported on the command line.

An example of using the program

Suppose you have the test dataset mytest.csv available (for example generated through program as shown in a previous paragraph) and the trained model of MLP in the folder mymodel (generated through program as shown in the example of previous paragraph); run the following command:

$ python \
  --model mymodel \
  --ds mytest.csv \
  --predictionout myprediction.csv
at the end of which the file myprediction.csv will contain the fitting of the initial function.

Visualization of the result

Goal of the Python program is to visualize the prediction curve superimposed on initial dataset curve (test or training, as you prefer) and it allows the visual comparison of the two curves.
To get the program usage you can run this following command:

$ python --help
and the output got is:

usage: [-h]
[--title FIGURE_TITLE]
Please read the file for a complete detail of the semantics of the parameters supported on the command line.

An example of using the program

Having the test dataset mytest.csv available (for example generated through program as shown in a previous paragraph) and the prediction csv file (generated through program as shown in the previous paragraph), to generate the two xy-scatter charts, execute the following command:

$ python \
  --ds mytest.csv \
  --prediction myprediction.csv
which shows the two curves superimposed: in blue the input dataset, in red the prediction one.
Note: Given the stochastic nature of the training phase, your specific results may vary. Consider running the example a few times.

Chart generated by the program that shows the fitting of the function $f(x)=\frac{\sin 2x}{e^\frac{x}{5}}$ made by the MLP.


The diagnostics consists of a series of techniques to analyze the behavior of MLP during the training phase, so that the program supports the following command line arguments in order to export information so that other programs can then analyze it:

[--metrics METRICS [METRICS ...]]
[--dumpout DUMPOUT_PATH]
[--logsout LOGSOUT_PATH]
[--modelsnapout MODEL_SNAPSHOTS_PATH]
[--modelsnapfreq MODEL_SNAPSHOTS_FREQ]
--metrics is the list of metrics to be calculated on the training dataset and, if specified by argument --valds, also on the validation dataset.
--dumpout is the argument to indicate the directory where to save the values of the loss function and the calculated metrics in csv format.
--logsout is the argument to indicate the directory where to save the log files to allow TensorBoard to analyze them (both during the training phase and at the end of training).
--modelsnapout is the argument to indicate the directory where to save the model of each --modelsnapfreq epochs; the first and last epochs are always saved if this argument is specified.
--modelsnapfreq indicates how many times to save the model in the directory indicated by --modelsnapout.

The value of the calculated metrics and the value of the loss function is available on the output stream of
The information exported from can be used by the following 3 programs:

  • TensorBoard
To run TensorBoard launch the shell command:

$ tensorboard --logdir path/to/logdir
where the directory passed to the parameter --logdir is the same directory generated by specified by argument--logsout.
See TensorBoard for details.

The Python program generate a series of graphs showing the curve of the loss function and the curves of the metrics calculated on the training dataset and also on the validation dataset if this has been passed to with the option --valds.
To get the program usage you can run this following command:

$ python --help
and the output got is:

usage: [-h] [--help] 
--dump DUMP_PATH
Please read the file for a complete detail of the semantics of the parameters supported on the command line.

The Python program generates an animated git that shows the prediction curve computed on an input dataset as the epochs change.
To get the program usage you can run this following command:

$ python --help
and the output got is:

usage: [-h] [--help] 
--savevideo SAVE_GIF_VIDEO
[--fps FPS]
[--width WIDTH]
[--height HEIGHT]
The directory passed all'argument --modelsnap is the directory generated by fx_fit-py and specified via the parameter --modelsnapout.
Please read the file for a complete detail of the semantics of the parameters supported on the command line.

Examples of cascade use of these programs

In the folder one-variable-function-fitting/examples there are nine shell scripts that show the use in cascade of these programs in various combinations of parameters (MLP architecture, activation functions, optimization algorithm, loss function, metrics, best model, initializers, training procedure parameters, diagnostics) To run the nine examples, run the following commands:

$ cd one-variable-function-fitting/examples
$ sh
$ sh
$ sh
$ sh
$ sh
$ sh
$ sh
$ sh
$ sh
Note: Given the stochastic nature of these examples (relative to the training phase), your specific results may vary. Consider running the example a few times.


Download of the complete code

The complete code is available at GitHub.
These materials are distributed under MIT license; feel free to use, share, fork and adapt these materials as you see fit.
Also please feel free to submit pull-requests and bug-reports to this GitHub repository or contact me on my social media channels available on the top right corner of this page.